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    • Sales: 847-258-0375
    • Plant: 815-443-2100
    • Office: 224- 366-4320
    Sales: 847-258-0375 Plant: 815-443-2100
    Office: 224- 366-4320

    of consumers prefer products that are in sustainable packaging over those that are not.


    Energy efficiency

    Our packaging supplier decreased energy usage by 4.6% in 2021 while experiencing increased production schedules.

    They migrated its entire forklift fleet batteries from lead-acid to lithium ion and Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM). 

     Lithium-ion increases energy efficiency by 30% and eliminates the danger of sulfuric acid spills present in lead-acid batteries,  while AGM batteries significantly reduce the spill risk of sulfuric acid.

    Less hazardous waste

    Our printer’s Trident MAX printing technology is now used in more than 50% of flexible packaging jobs resulting in more ink used for printing and less hazard ous solvent ink waste. 

    Their Flexible Packaging reclamation systems recycle and clean up solvents,  significantly reducing solvent purchases and the generation of hazardous wastes.

    Responsible waste management

    More than 30% of production waste is diverted from the landfill through 
    recycling and waste-to-energy programs. 

    Approximately 1.42 tons of electronics with hazardous components were kept
    from being sent to the landfill in 2021. 

    Reduced Emissions

    Heat capture of air compressors almost
    entirely supplements heat demands in
    the Flexible Packaging plant.

    Oxidizers in the Flexible Packaging plants capture and eliminate more than 90% of VOC emissions generated at the press. 

    In 2021, our packaging supplier reduced VOC
    emissions by 16.4%.