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    Nuestro Queso earns SQF Certification

    September 15, 2017
    The manufacturer of premium Hispanic cheeses, creams and drinkable yogurts is now SQF Level 2 certified.
     By Store Brands, Stagnito Business Information
    Nuestro Queso, a Rosemont, Ill.-based co-packer and manufacturer of premium Hispanic dairy products for retailers’ store brands, said it obtained Safe Quality Food (SQF) Level 2 certification. The certification accredits the HACCP food safety plans of its dairy operations.

    “The SQF Level 2 certification validates our food safety program, reaffirming our commitment as a safe and trusted dairy manufacturer of premium-quality cheese and dairy products,” said Mark Braun, CEO, Nuestro Queso. “This is a culture within the organization of which our employees can be very proud. It also puts us on par with major dairy manufacturers.”

    SQF is a global food safety initiative program offered through the Safe Quality Food Institute. Certification through the Safe Quality Food Institute is a statement of a supplier’s commitment to produce safe, quality food and comply with the requirements of the SQF code and all applicable food legislation, Nuestro Queso said.

    By Store Brands, Stagnito Business Information.